
I'm melting in front of all these beauties. Yep, it's not a secret anymore, I'm a huge fan of bags. It's my favorite accessory and I could buy one everyday (if only I had money ahah). I know it's an exhaustive wishlist and that I won't buy all of these bags but can I dream a bit ? In this wishlist, I listed my favorite bags of the moment that I see myself wearing daily. And like Sophia Kinsella wrote in Confessions of a Shopaholic“That moment. That instant when your fingers curl round the handles of a shiny, uncreased bag—and all the gorgeous new things inside it become yours. What’s it like? It’s like going hungry for days, then cramming your mouth full of warm buttered toast. It’s like waking up and realizing it’s the weekend. It’s like the better moments of sex. Everything else is blocked out of your mind. It’s pure, selfish pleasure.” Well, that's exactly what I feel when I see a bag I want so bad. Can you relate ? Are you more a black or color block bag person ? And tell me in the comment section what your favorite bag of the season is. Have a great day lovelies :) x
PS: I think I'm gonna write a post about my new purchase, my precious Falabella, would you like to read such an article ?

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2 commentaires

  1. J'aime bien le petit rouge Prada ! La couleur est super sympa. Je ne connais pas la marque Sophie Hulme mais le petit sac gris avec deux matières différentes est très joli aussi :)

    1. La marque "Sophie Hulme" n'est pas encore hyper connue mais j'aime bien, les sacs sont plutôt jolis en général. Et pareil, je craque trop pour le petit Prada même si je pense succomber au sac Furla car beaucoup plus dans ma zone de prix ahah :p


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