
Good morning peeps,
Since I'm on holiday, I thought it was a great idea to write a new post about my REAL morning routine. Breakfast is the meal I can't skip. I'm not gonna lie I'm not the healthiest person especially when it comes to breakfast. I love drinking my green tea and eating my Nutella french toasts. Don't blame me, that's my fave kind of breaky. Then, I like to stay in my bed all morning long checking my Instagram feed and watching TV shows. By the way, my favorite show at the moment is for sure Jane The Virgin. It's such a nice and funny drama/romance thing. If you don't like complicated plots/outcomes, this is the show for you. I recommend UnREAL as well, which shows how the staff of a reality TV show really works and it's really catchy.

What's your favorite TV show at the moment ?

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2 commentaires

  1. Très belles photos (et Audrey Hepburn ♡♡) ! J'ai regardé les premiers épisodes de 'Jane the virgin' et j'avais bien aimé, on se laisse vite prendre par l'histoire.

    1. Merci beaucoup ! Et oui Audrey Hepburn est mon icône donc je devais la mettre quelque part dans ma chambre ahah !
      Oui on se laisse vite prendre par l'histoire et les acteurs sont vraiment bons et drôles :)
      Merci pour ton commentaire !


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